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Campaigning for facts

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Manipulation Techniques


Disinformation: A Serious Threat to the Swiss Economy

Disinformation poses a significant threat to the Swiss economy and society at large. The Covid-19 pandemic has increased public awareness of the dangers of false information, leading to a greater demand for reliable journalism. While social media and alternative sources
Manipulation Techniques

Putin’s Victory Day Speech: 14 Hard Manipulation Techniques Exposed

Putin’s recent Victory Day speech showcased his mastery of manipulation techniques, employing the strategy of speaking loudly and carrying a little stick to propagate disinformation. This tactic creates an illusion of strength and power while shaping public opinion and reinforcing
Manipulation Techniques

Learn the “If It Didn’t Happen, Just Fake It”, the Kremlin Way!

In the relentless pursuit of deflecting blame for its aggression against Ukraine, the Kremlin’s propagandists have employed the manipulative tactic: if it didn’t happen, just fake it. This deceptive strategy was evident in their recent attempts to shift responsibility onto